First NaNoWriMo: Decent Outing

 NaNoWriMo: Life Happens, Also November Sucks for Writing

I only hit ten percent of the fifty thousand word goal for NaNoWriMo. Which is honestly terrible in comparison. Could I have had made the goal? Absolutely...not. Sure, some delays were from my being lazy, however being unemployed and job searching was a bigger issue for me at least. NaNoWriMo will not help me in the long-run financial and socially speaking.

Seriously, between Thanksgiving, preparing for Christmas, job searching, and in general November being a shitty month to do anything? Not fun to do anything at all.

So hitting ten percent for NaNoWriMo during 2020 after a five year hiatus? Pretty good for me. 

Honestly, to me NaNoWriMo is not about the completing the 50k words. It is getting back into the habit of writing on the daily, to work artistic muscles that I let atrophy over the past few years, and get some enjoyment out of life.

So my once monthly blog-post is done. 

Have fun, and see ya next month.
